10 Powerful Tips to Quit Social Media Addiction Today

Social Media Addiction

The invention of social media has revolutionised the world in different ways. From generating buzz for our favourite movies and sports to sharing funny or quirky reels and stories, social media has evolved significantly, and so have we. What started with platforms like Facebook and Twitter in the 2000s has now reached the era of Instagram, Threads, Snapchat, TikTok, etc.


However, with the growing popularity of such platforms, people are becoming social media addicts. Let us find out more about how you can overcome social media addiction and help others to do so by understanding its symptoms and causes.

Table of Contents

What is Social Media Addiction?

  • Social media addiction can be defined as the strong physical and physiological urge to use social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., in a way that one becomes dependent on it. 
  • When you have a strong dependency on something, it causes you harm physically, emotionally, mentally, and psychologically. 
  • It also impacts your daily life and work. 
  • This is so because we have become accustomed to scrolling feeds, reels, and stories to feel the pleasure that might eat our precious time, which we can utilise to do other important things. 
  • The excessive use of social media can lead to several repercussions which we have in the subsequent sections.

Downsides of Social Media Addiction

In psychology and medical contexts, social media addiction is technically referred to as Problematic Social Media Use (PSMU). The excessive use of social media can manifest in several physical, emotional, and behavioural symptoms, as pointed out below. 

AnxietyFeeling uneasy or stressed when you are unable to use social media
Validation seeking tendencyConstantly checking for likes, comments, and sharing for validation or appraisal from others.
Neglect of responsibilitiesIgnoring study, work, or personal commitments
Excessive useSpending countless hours without even feeling it to see reels and stories
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)Staying online to avoid missing trends and updates
Sleep DisturbanceStaying up late or waking up frequently to check social media
Strain on EyesLow eyesight due to prolonged screen time
Low self-esteem and confidenceComparing with others for having unrealistic self-perceptions
CravingsFeeling restless without access to social media
Dependency on Online FriendsLong-distance interaction makes us feel their importance, leading to emotional dependence on them.

Why is Social Media Addicting?

  • Social media addiction can lead to alteration of the brain’s physiology as it can rewire its functioning. 
  • It occurs in the ‘reward system’ areas like the ventral tegmental area, nucleus accumbens, and prefrontal cortex. 
  • When we are engaged in social media or other types of pleasurable activities, these areas release dopamine. 
  • Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that makes us feel good in the way that we have received some kind of reward. 
  • Dopamine is a “feel-good chemical”.
  • This is just like taking drugs or alcohol, which can cause an intense spike in dopamine levels. 
  • This leads to a strong sense of euphoria and a ‘desire’ to undergo that kind of activity again to stay high.
  • Without the ‘substance’ (social media in this case), the brain struggles to find balance or pleasure, which causes anxiety, mood swings, and other symptoms.
  • In this way, people can become social media addicts. 
  • The other common signs of social media addiction include neglecting responsibilities, preoccupation with thoughts about online friends, loss of interest in other activities, and withdrawal symptoms.

Who is Affected by Social Media Addiction?

  • According to a report published by the University of California in 2023, there were an estimated 4.9 billion social media users worldwide. 
  • The screen time of an average person on social media is around 145 minutes or roughly 2.5 hours per day
  • Social media platforms are widely popular among adolescents and young people. They are often engaged with YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat and spend around 6 hours a day
  • Some research has found that increased use of social media is linked with poor school and college performance. 
  • People from the age group of 16-25 are highly prone to this kind of addiction, along with drugs, alcohol, and gambling.
  • In today’s times, we are accustomed to encountering even small kids and pre-teens of age group 8-13 using smartphones and social media accounts of their parents. This is a very alarming situation for all of us.
  • The accessibility and ease of use of these platforms make them appealing to younger audiences, who often lack the maturity to manage their time and emotions effectively.

Am I a Social Media Addict?

To find out if you are a social media addict, complete the checklist below. Each “Yes” answer earns 1 point. If your total score exceeds 5, it’s time to take action and work toward reducing your social media dependence.

  1. How much time do I spend every day on social media? Does it exceed 2 hours per day?
  2. Am I prioritising social media over other important activities such as school, college, or work life?
  3. Am I giving enough time to my loved ones, including family and offline friends?
  4. Am I skipping meals and personal responsibilities and cancelling plans to spend more time on social media?
  5. Am I able to stop the urge to check phones and social media accounts frequently?
  6. Am I often left feeling anxious, depressed, and irritable after scrolling feeds on social media due to comparison or FOMO?
  7. Do I feel extremely happy or sad about the number of likes, comments, and shares that I get over social media?
  8. Does my boredom or free time often develop cravings to check social media accounts?

Overcome Social Media Addiction

You can overcome social media addiction or cravings by following these simple tips.

  • If your score is above 5, acknowledge that you are a social media addict and work toward a digital detox.
  • Replace your social media cravings by adopting good habits that can give you a sense of purpose to do or achieve something in life.
  • Read books on financial literacy, money management, health & wellness, spirituality, etc., to learn some skills.
  • Strive to work hard to improve your academics, not just for good marks but a strong foundation for a better career.
  • Learn some outdoor sports and hit out at the gym which increases your endurance physically and mentally.
  • Disable the social media notifications on your phone to avoid triggers.
  • Adopt ‘no phone rule’ such as
    • No phone while having meals
    • No phone while using the washroom
    • No phone at least 45 minutes-1 hour before bedtime
    • No phone 1 hour after waking up in the morning
  • Limit your social media usage to 2 hours per day.
  • While working and having family time, keep your social media in the off-mode.
  • Consult our expert psychologists and mentors, who will help you overcome social media addiction.


Excessive use of social media can negatively impact every aspect of our lives. It reduces productivity, strains relationships, fosters dependence on external validation, and leads to feelings of inadequacy. 

The common signs of social media addiction include sleep disturbance, anxiety, preoccupation with thoughts, negligence of work and personal responsibilities, and depression. 

Addiction to scrolling social media can be harmful to anyone, especially teens and students because it affects the nervous system by increasing cravings for constant stimulation and more content.


What is the impact of social media on students?

The impact of social media on students includes

  • Decreased academic performance
  • Lack of focus on studies and other work
  • Body image issue
  • Overthinking
  • Sleep disruptions
What are the characteristics of social media addiction?

Social media addiction is characterised by anxiety, depression, lack of attention at work, craving for constant scrolling stories and posts, low self-esteem, and loss of connection with family and friends.

How to quit social media addiction?

To quit social media addiction, adopt the strategy of no phone use, reducing everyday screen time, reading good books that cultivate knowledge, focusing on studies and work by understanding their importance in your life, and spending quality time with your family and friends.

Does social media cause overthinking?

Yes, social media causes overthinking because it might make one obsessive about gaining approval, comparing oneself to others, and constantly seeking updates on the lives of others.

How to use social media wisely?

Implement these points in your life to use social media wisely.

  • Set a limit on using social media (not more than 2 hours a day)
  • Set off unnecessary notifications to avoid distractions.
  • Be conscious about your way and intention to use social media.
  • Use social media for positive causes, gaining knowledge, staying connected with family members and friends, and supporting them.